Diabetes treatment

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Sugar Busters Diet.


The Sugar Busters formula is 40/30/30, or 40 percent carbs, 30 percent protein and 30 percent fat.

Those on the Sugar Busters plan eat a fair amount of grain, which enables the intestines to work properly and can also reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Of course, the key ingredient of Sugar Busters is the reduction in an individual's sugar intake.

In other words, to the layman, it includes not only sugar, but a number of sugar substitutes.

In addition, proponents of the Sugar Busters plan encourage dieters to drink a great deal of water which helps to flush out the system.

Moreover, some dieticians maintain that the only effective way to lose weight is by cutting calories, not simply by zapping sugar from the diet.

 Read More Info:   The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

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