Diabetes treatment

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Motivation to Lose Weight

                                                                 Motivation to Lose Weight
When you are diabetic you have probably read in many places and have
 heard from your doctor how beneficial it is for you to lose weight.  But that 
doesn’t make it any easier to do.  It is difficult to do, but everyone is right; 
you will reap many benefits from losing weight including managing your
 diabetes and blood glucose levels.

If you are already motivated to lose weight and just don’t know where 
to begin, make an appointment with your doctor or diabetes educator.
  They can provide you with information on a healthy eating plan and 
approve the type of exercises you should begin with.  
Getting the okay from your doctor before starting any physical routine 
is a good 
idea so you do not over-do it at the beginning creating more harm than good.
If you have tried to lose weight before and know that it is a hard road, 
you may find the motivation you need through a support group.  
Having a network to back you up when you are having a hard day or 
the commitment of meeting someone at the gym can get you 
through the rough patches ahead.

As you reach certain milestones in your weight loss journey set reward
 points for yourself as motivation.  You may decide to reward yourself 
when you lose 10 pounds or it might be going for a walk 5 times in one week – 
whatever you need help with.  Your reward can be anything that will make 
you work harder – renting a movie, a new pair of shoes – make it special.

As you continue to lose weight and become more active keep a careful eye 
on your blood sugars and insulin requirements.  You may find that you are 
requiring less insulin as you drop the pounds.  Keep in contact with your 
doctor and update him on your progress.

More Info on:  The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

High Blood Pressure in Obese Diabetics

High blood pressure is a concern for anyone but people with diabetics are more likely to 
suffer from it than others.  If you are obese and diabetic, a high blood pressure can be 
deadly leading to a fatal heart attack.  Like many health risks associated with diabetes, 
good control of your blood sugars, a healthy diet and physical activity can help to keep 
your blood pressure in check.

If you are suffering from a headache, your vision is blurry and you feel light headed or 
dizzy you may have high blood pressure.  These symptoms are not just indicative of high 
blood pressure though and you should seek medical attention to determine the cause.  
Other times there may be no symptoms at all when you have high blood pressure or it 
may be slightly elevated.  It is smart to have your blood pressure routinely checked at 
your doctor’s appointments.

When you are obese, the most effective way to reduce your blood pressure is to lose 
weight.  Follow a meal plan that works for your diabetes, making sure you are consuming 
enough food, and can still allow you to lose weight.  Other changes that you can make 
that will improve your blood pressure are:

* An exercise routine that is followed on a regular basis
* Reducing stress in your life – mediation, yoga, letting go of some responsibilities
* Quit smoking 
* Lessen the amount of salt you use for cooking or on your food

While you are making lifestyle changes to lower your blood pressure your doctor may 
decide to put your on medication.  If you have to take blood pressure medication it does 
not have to be forever.  You can look at it as a short-term fix while you make the changes 
necessary to lower your blood pressure on your own.

More Info:  The 6- Week Diabetes Detox

Monday, February 27, 2017

Top 7 Healthy Foods for Diabetics.

Top 7 healthy foods for Diabetics/, Cure Diabetes Naturally

          -  Almonds     -  Apple     -  Garli       - Broccoli
            - Spinach     - Avocado   - Cinnamon

View the full Video on:  goo.gl/3bducI

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Good Carbohydrates and Bad Carbohydrates

                   Good Carbohydrates and Bad Carbohydrates
A lot of diabetic diets and diabetic meal planning center around
 carbohydrate intake – the amount you can have and when you should 
have them.  This is because they play such a crucial role in managing
 blood sugars.  Too many carbohydrates or the wrong kind can cause high
 blood sugars.  Not enough carbohydrates can cause low blood sugars or 

It is recommended that carbohydrates make up about 40% of your daily 
calories, but not all carbohydrates are created equal.  You also need 
to pay attention to fat and sugar content.  

Here are some carbohydrate choices that should be made frequently:

* Whole grain cereals
* Whole wheat breads and rolls
* Brown rice
* Whole wheat crackers
* Raw or lightly steamed fruits and vegetables
* Whole wheat pita pockets or wraps

Carbohydrate choices that should be made less often:

* Potato chips
* White bread
* White rice
* Other foods that have been processed
* Cookies
* Easy to eat snacks

Carbohydrates are an essential part of every diet but make sure you are
 including the right kinds in yours.  Good carbohydrates will fill you 
up and not create a sudden spike in your blood sugars.  Bad carbohydrates 
are usually over-processed, create high blood sugars, create obesity and 
are high in sodium.

As carbohydrates are going to make up almost half of your daily food 
choices it is important to fill you body with high-quality choices. 
 Choose ones that will give you energy and not cause you to gain weight.
  The less processed or refined a carbohydrate is the better it is going
 to be for you.  Even when baking, choose unbleached whole grain 
flour.  It doesn’t make a big difference in taste but it does in the 
quality of carbohydrate it creates.  
Try whole grain flour in pancakes, cookies and cakes.

                                More Information:  The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Exercise and Diabetes

                                                         Exercise and Diabetes

 As a diabetic, there are additional considerations and precautions that you need to
 take before you begin an exercise routine. And once you have begun, you always
 need to be aware of the risks involved.
It is ideal to wait before your exercise if your blood glucose level is too
 low or high.  You can do more damage than good if you do not.  It is 
especially dangerous if your blood sugar is on the low side and you begin 
to exercise. 

 The physical exertion can cause your blood sugar to drop even further which
 can become an emergency situation.  As a precaution, if you are exercising 
at a gym make sure the staff are aware of your condition and have emergency
 instructions and numbers to call.  If you walk or run on your own outside,
 keep identification on you that advises you are diabetic along with contact 
phone numbers, a snack, and instructions.

For other tips on exercising with diabetes, you can follow the same guidelines
 that make sense for everyone else.  Stretch before and after exercising,
 drink plenty of fluids, and don’t push yourself too hard.  It is a smart idea
 to check your blood sugars before and after exercising and if you are feeling
 light-headed during your work-out check it then too.

As feet problems are common in diabetics, wear proper footwear and socks. 
If you notice any sores on your feet that are not going away on their own, 
see your doctor.  If they are not healing they can lead to an infection 
and other related complications.  Even though there are risks involved
to exercising, the benefits make it worth it.

                              Read more info: The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Artificial Sweeteners for Diabetics

                         Artificial Sweeteners for Diabetics?

The food industry has come up with a solution for people on diets or with
 diabetes that have a sweet tooth.  They are known as artificial sweeteners
 and they are used in everything from chewing gum, coffee sweeteners, and 
even baking. 

 There is some controversy over the use of them as some of them are totally 
synthetic and others are derived from the actual sugar plant.  But to a 
diabetic who doesn’t want to give up on their favorite pop or chewing gum
 they can be a life-saver.

The four different kinds of artificial sweeteners are:  saccharin, aspartame,
 sucralose, acesulfame potassium.  Each of these types can be found under
 various product names and brands.  Not all are made the same way and they 
have different uses.  Some you can buy in liquid or powdered form for baking
 needs and others like aspartame is only found in foods that you purchase 

 The use of these artificial sweeteners will not raise blood sugar and are
 safe for a diabetic to use.  Care and attention is still needed because 
the food items you put sugar in or on most likely will have an affect on
 your blood sugar.  Still follow your diabetic diet but use some artificial 
sweeteners to make it a little sweeter.

Some diabetics may want to use honey as a substitute for sugar.  
You certainly can make this substitution, however, honey is very similar 
to sugar in carbohydrate content and the effects it will have on your blood 
glucose level.  It is best to enjoy honey in small moderations if at all.

Aspartame has been linked in some medical studies with Alzheimer’s disease.
 Speak toyour doctor about the benefits and risks of using any of the 
artificial sweeteners if you have any concerns about the potential health

See More info at :  The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Sugar Busters Diet.


The Sugar Busters formula is 40/30/30, or 40 percent carbs, 30 percent protein and 30 percent fat.

Those on the Sugar Busters plan eat a fair amount of grain, which enables the intestines to work properly and can also reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Of course, the key ingredient of Sugar Busters is the reduction in an individual's sugar intake.

In other words, to the layman, it includes not only sugar, but a number of sugar substitutes.

In addition, proponents of the Sugar Busters plan encourage dieters to drink a great deal of water which helps to flush out the system.

Moreover, some dieticians maintain that the only effective way to lose weight is by cutting calories, not simply by zapping sugar from the diet.

 Read More Info:   The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

Monday, February 20, 2017

Losing Weight and Controlling Blood Sugar


                         Losing Weight and Controlling Blood Sugar

If you are a diabetic and are overweight or considered clinically obese,
 you can improve your overall health and the management of your diabetes 
by losing weight.    
There are steps you can take and support you can utilize to help you reach
 your goals.

The first step to losing weight is to set a short-term goal for yourself.
  You can do this on your own but can also get help from your doctor or 
a dietician.  A good goal when starting to lose weight is to take a small
 percentage of your overall weight and aim to lose that much in your time

When you lose weight as a diabetic you are helping your body by lessening
 your insulin requirements.  Weight loss will also assist you in keeping 
your blood sugar levels under control.

Another method to lose weight is physical activity and exercise.  Getting
 your body moving will increase your metabolism and that act will assist 
in losing weight too. 
 Not only will increased metabolism aid in weight loss, it will also help
 in controlling blood glucose levels.  Your body will be processing food
 more efficiently.

Diet and exercise go hand-in-hand with weight loss.  It also takes patience
 and time but as you begin the road to weight loss the benefits you will derive
 as a diabetic will begin right away.  And as you reach your goal weight you
 will gain better control of your blood sugars.  

          To Read More about Diabetes Natural Therapies, Buy the Book

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to Control type 2 Diabetes without Medicine

                                      Diabetes is a curable disease.

  The drugs from Big Pharmaceuticals are not intended to Cure diseases. They are only for treating symptoms of diseases.

So, to control type 2 diabetes without medication, the guide to download at: http://tinyurl.com/hugzqrh 

Breaking-up with Un-healthy Eating Habits

Eating healthy and exercising doesn't give you an all access pass to eat anything you want.

There are several foods that you can eat for breakfast, even leftovers from supper if they are sufficient.

You can eat bagels, pizza with fruit juice, pretzels, or the normal bacon and eggs that breakfast is known for.

Butter tastes good, and offers sources of Vitamin A and other fat soluble vitamins such as E, K, and even D.

Protein Unless you happen to be a strict vegetarian, your protein intake is not normally a problem for women who eat a healthy diet.

For More Infos About Diabetes Natural Therapies, Visit the link:    http://tinyurl.com/hugzqrh 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Diabetic Diets

                            Consistency and Variety


It may sound like a hard thing to do – be consistent and have variety
 in your diet at the same time.  But it is possible and it is the best
 way to control your diabetes with your diet.  The consistency comes 
in at specific meal times and the same servings from the different food
 groups.  And the variety refers to trying as many different foods in the
 food groups as you can.

It can be easy to find a few meals that work well with your blood sugars 
and are easy to prepare and just stick with them.  You are more than likely
 to get bored with this and you probably aren’t getting all of the 
nutrients you need from a set amount of foods.

Whether you are on the carbohydrate counting diet or the exchange diet,
 you have a lot of room for flexibility.  You can combine different foods
 together for something new or try foods you have never had before. 
 You can meet with your dietician to get additional ideas for recipes
 and other foods that you can eat to add more variety to your diet.

There will be times that you try a new food and your blood sugars are
 higher as a result.  Think back about anything else that you had done 
differently that day – less activity or taking your insulin later than usual.
  If the new food is the only change you experienced talk to your dietician. 
 You may be able to prepare the food differently or eat it with something 
else or you may have to avoid that food if it doesn’t work for your diabetic 
Just because you have diabetes doesn’t mean that you can’ be adventurous 
and try something new, just do it at regular meal times and within the
 recommended portion sizes.
 The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

                             More Info at: The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Link between Obesity and Diabetes


Being obese is a risk factor for diabetes but it does not mean you will develop the disease 
if you are obese.  By losing weight and leading a healthier lifestyle you can gain control 
of this risk factor either by reducing it or eliminating it altogether.

 People who are obese and work hard to lose weight can better manage their diabetes through diet or oral medications instead of insulin injections.  Incorporating a healthy eating plan and regular physical activity will also help to manage the disease.

In addition to being at a higher risk for developing diabetes people who are obese are at 
an increased risk for other life-threatening diseases too.  Namely heart and cardiovascular 
diseases, it is in an individual's best interest to maintain a healthy weight for their body 
type and health in order to reduce the risks to their health.  Medical support is available 
through your health care provider if needed.

                          See More at :  The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

Benefits of a Healthy Diabetic Diet

Benefits of a Healthy Diabetic Diet 

Benefits of eating a healthy diet are for everyone but for a diabetic there can be even biggest reason for a diabetic to follow a diabetic diet.

Another benefit of eating a healthy diabetic diet is reducing the amount of insulin that is The foods you eat all affect on your blood sugars and when In addition to extra insulin requirements, you will suffer from high blood sugars also * High blood sugar from eating too much or eating the wrong foods

By incorporating exercising into your daily routine you can give your body's 
metabolism a boost and help it process the foods you are eating.  When the foods you 

take in are healthy choices your body is going to function better.

Eating well can help control your diabetes and prolong your life expectancy.

More Info at  : The 6-Week Diabetes Detox

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The 6-week Diabetes Detox

Doctors in Europe are now recommending 
a new detox plan to type-2 diabetes patients

The 6-week Diabetes Detox Program is the all-natural treatment for diabetes that your doctor won't tell you about - not because it doesn't work, but because the giant pharmaceutical companies can't make money off of it.

                                         More info  at: The 6- week Diabetes Detox

6 Strategies To Manage Diabetes And Avoid Complications

                                                    Diabetes Natural Therapies

6 Strategies To Manage Diabetes And Avoid Complications

The disease of diabetes is not just about a series of blood sugar numbers. The high blood sugar affects several organs and blood vessels of the body. For example, unchecked diabetes can cause blindness, heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. For this reason, you’ll want to learn all you can about your diabetes and plan strategies so that the complications can never happen.

Here are some strategies to keep your diabetes in check:

  • Make it a habit to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. Exercise, especially aerobic exercise in which you get your heart rate going, has several beneficial effects on diabetes. The act of exercising burns calories and sugar so your blood sugars go down. Lowered blood sugars mean the diabetes has less of an impact on your health. If exercise is something foreign to you, start by doing some walking outside or in a mall if the weather is inclement. Work your way up to more vigorous forms of exercise, especially if you begin to lose weight and exercise comes easier for you.
  • See an eye doctor once a year. Diabetes that is not well managed can cause a condition known as diabetic retinopathy. With diabetic retinopathy, the small vessels of the retina in back of the eye rupture and bleed, causing poor vision that tends to be permanent. If diabetic retinopathy is detected early enough, there are things that you and your doctor can do that can reverse the pattern of the disease so as to spare your vision.
  • Have regular contact with a nutritionist. A nutritionist can help you keep your diet fresh and can guide you on the proper things to eat while diabetic. You can work together to create a meal plan that has the right amounts of carbohydrates, protein and fats with a calorie count that doesn’t cause weight gain. Your blood sugar numbers will be better overall and you won’t suffer as much of the complications of diabetes.
  • Concentrate on losing weight if you are overweight. Being overweight contributes to the worsening of diabetes as well as to other medical conditions. If you are diabetic and overweight, you might try a meal plan that cuts out enough calories to affect a slow, yet significant weight loss. Your bloods sugar numbers will be in a better range and the adverse effects of high blood sugar will be eliminated. Losing weight can be hard but it is truly one of the best ways to normalize your diabetic metabolism.
  • Limit your raw sugar intake. There is no reason to fill your body with empty sugar calories as it will only serve to drive up your blood sugar values. Eating sugar can cause spikes in blood sugar so that complications can arise. Steadily flooding the kidneys with glucose because your intake is too high can damage the kidneys to the point of kidney failure.
  • Watch your fat intake. Diabetes often goes right along with having high cholesterol and triglyceride counts. These are fats you consume in your diet or are made from high blood sugar that can eventually clog your arteries, causing heart attacks and strokes. By watching your fat intake along with your intake of sugar, you can doubly prevent these complications. There are plenty of low fat alternatives to things like cookies, pastries and even salad oils so that you have other choices of what you are putting into your body. The combination of low fat and low raw sugar intake can drastically influence the kinds of complications of diabetes you get—or maybe never get at all.
  • Manage Your Treatment And Be Mindful Of Your Care. With a combination of healthy lifestyle choices, regular blood sugar checks and medical management diabetes can be managed and complications can be avoided. This is a chronic disease, but unlike cancer or other serious illnesses, diabetes can be controlled and as long as you remain vigilant and mindful of all the recommendation to manage blood sugar and make healthy choices in diet and exercise, you can live a long and healthy life.
                                                      For More Info: Diabetes Natural Therapies